What You Need to Know About Political Mail: Examples, Effectiveness, & More

In the dynamic world of political campaigning in the United States, the role of direct mail emerges as a strategic force that holds remarkable potential. While direct mail should not be the sole focus of a campaign, its physical presence introduces a tangible marketing aspect that fuels awareness and piques interest. Amidst the clamor of election-year marketing, direct mail pieces such as political postcards and self-mailers emerge as a powerful contender, cutting through the barrage of billboards, signs, TV commercials, and digital ads by personally reaching voters’ mailboxes. In this article we’ll dive into the purpose of political mail, the power of political mail, as well as tips and tricks our BR Printers mail experts have identified for your political mail campaign.  


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What purpose does direct mail serve in political campaigns?  

  1. Adds a Tangible Marketing Piece into the Mix 
  1. While a campaign shouldn’t rely only on direct mail, physical mail pieces are a tangible piece of marketing that effectively spreads awareness and sparks voter interest. This can bring readers to the campaign website, social media, and support other marketing efforts.  
  1. Reaches the Right Audience 
  1. Through targeted mailing lists, a political mailer can reach specific demographics such as age, political affiliation, and ethnicity. This makes sure the campaign committee isn’t wasting time and money during the campaign.  
  1. Dodges the Noise 
  1. Political marketing messages are everywhere during election years. Direct mail breaks through all of the billboards, signs, TV commercials, and digital advertisements by landing in voters mailboxes. 

The Power of Political Mail 

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Spread Awareness with Political Mail 

80% of surveyed voters said direct mail increases awareness of which candidates are running. 

20% of voters visited political campaign websites using QR codes  

58% of surveyed voters search online to learn more about that race after reading a mail piece.  

47% of surveyed voters agreed that direct mail was the most memorable form of political advertising this past election cycle.  

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Political Mail is on the Rise 

62% of surveyed voters recalled receiving political mail at least weekly during the 2022 Midterm Election cycle — up from 48% during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle 

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Build Credibility with Political Mail Pieces 

67% of voters view direct mail as the most credible advertising channel as of 2021 

64% of surveyed voters agreed that direct mail reinforced information they saw on television and online political advertising.  

The Do’s and Don’ts of Political Mail Marketing 


  • Team up with direct mail experts 
  • Used targeted political mailing lists 
  • Track responses 
  • Repurpose existing marketing messaging in your direct mail 
  • Use QR codes & engaging calls to action  


  • Confuse readers with overcomplicated and unclear messaging 
  • Send low quality junk mail  
  • Waste time and money sending mail to the wrong demographics 
  • Use dated lists 

When should you send out political mail?  

As election day creeps closer, it’s common for a candidate to send political mail to a voter more often. First monthly, then bi-weekly, and finally weekly during the month before the election. Voters actually prefer to receive a political mailer during the month before election day. 

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When voters prefer to receive direct mail: 36% a few months before election day, 47% in the last month before election day, 24% in the last week before election day.  

Going Beyond the Ballet with BR Printers 

Here at BR Printers, we understand the significance of effective political mail. Our expertise lies not only in printing, but in transforming your messaging into compelling, impactful direct mail pieces. From targeted political mailing lists to precise execution, our team is equipped to guide you through the process, ensuring that your political campaign stands out amidst the noise. 








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